Welcome and registration
Thursday 6 18H à 19H30
Amphithéâtre Ehresmann, Faculté de Mathématiques et d'Informatique, 33 rue Saint-Leu, Amiens
Friday 7 9H


Friday 7 October


General lectures on the life and works of C. Ehresmann and their applications

Amphithéâtre Ehresmann





Opening by Monsieur Gilles Demailly, President of the Université de Picardie Jules Verne
Speech of Monsieur Paul Personne, former President of the University, Directeur des Affaires Culturelles
Itinéraire d'un mathématicien, by Andrée C. Ehresmann (Université de Picardie),
Some of the things I learnt from Charles Ehresmann, by Jean Benabou (Université Paris XIII)
Autour d'Ehresmann : Bourbaki, Cavailles, Lautman, by Pierre Ageron (Université de Caen)
Charles Ehresmann, au carrefour des structures locales et algébriques, by René Guitart (Université Paris VII),
Et si l'intuition devenait rigueur ? La réponse de la géométrie différentielle synthétique, by Francis Borceux (Université Catholique de Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve),
Evolution of matter as a science, by George Farre (Georgetown University, Washington DC)


Saturday 8 October : 2 parallel sessions

Categories, Topology, Geometry (SIC et PSSL)

Amphithéâtre Ehresmann

Multidisciplinary applications (ECHO V)

Amphithéâtre Lavoisier

8H45 André Joyal (Université de Montréal, Canada) The Gödel incompleteness theorem, a categorical approach  


9H30 Horst Ibisch (Université de Nantes, France) Diagrammes d'espaces fibrés principaux et sphères d'homologie   Nils Baas (University of Trondheim, Norvège) Toward abstract matter
10H30 Nishimura Hirokazu (University of Tsukuba, Japon) Three synthetic approaches to total differentials   Andrée Ehresmann et Jean-Paul Vanbremeersch Emergence, Cognition, Consciousness
11H15 Jacques Penon (Université Paris VII, France) -catégorification de structures équationnelles   Brian Josephson (University of Cambridge, G.B.) Concepts and reality
14H Paulette Libermann (Université Paris VII, France) C. Ehresmann and Differential Geometry  
14H45 Eduardo Dubuc (Buenos Aires, Argentine) Bifiltered colimits of categories   John G. Cramer (Washington University, Seattle, USA) The blind men and the quantum
15H30 Jean Pradines (Université de Toulouse, France) Preordered sets, granular topologies and Štefan foliations   Andy Vogt (Georgetown University, Washington, USA) Dirac's hole theory
16H30 Anders Kock (Aarhus Universitet, Danemark) A synthetic theory of envelopes of families of curves or surfaces   Basil Hiley (Londres, G.-B.) What is the precise role of non-commutativity in quantum theory?
17H15   Karl H. Pribram (Georgetown University, Washington, USA) Minding quanta


Sunday 9 October: 2 parallel sessions

Categories, Topology, Geometry (SIC et PSSL)

Amphithéâtre Ehresmann


Multidisciplinary applications (ECHO V)

Amphithéâtre Lavoisier

8H45 Jean Benabou (Université Paris XIII, France) Locally small cartesian functors  


9H30 Fred Linton (Wesleyan University, Middletown, USA) Variance vs. Volition   Patrick A. Heelan (Georgetown University, Washington, USA) Embodied consciousness and quantum science
10H30 Albert Burroni (Université Paris VII, France) Une autre approche des orientaux de Street   Paul Kainen (Georgetown University, Washington, USA) Category theory and living systems
11H15 Marta Bunge (McGill University, Montréal, Canada) On two non-discrete localic generalizations of p0   Pierre Marchais (Paris, France) Rencontre de la psychiatrie avec la théorie des catégories
14H Ronnie Brown (University College of N.W. Bangor, G.-B.) Groupoid atlases: an Introduction  
14H45 Dominique Bourn (Université du Littoral, France) Action groupoids in protomodular categories   John E. Gray (Dahlgren, USA) Some Implications of the Curie and Rosen Symmetry Principles in Quantum Physics
15H30 Marco Grandis (Universita de Genova, Italie) A few points on directed Algebraic Topology   Daniel Dubois (Liège, Belgique) Learning Algorithms for Single-Layer Nonlinear Neural Networks based on the Nonlinear Threshold Logic Resolving the Parity Problem