Cahiers de Topologie et Géométrie Différentielle Catégoriques -

ISSN 1245-530X (imprimé) (initialement ISSN 0008-0004)

ISSN 2681-2363 (en ligne)

The "Cahiers" are a quarterly Journal with one Volume a year (divided in 4 issues). They publish original papers in Mathematics, the main research subject being pure category theory, together with its applications in topology, differential geometry, algebraic geometry, universal algebra, homological algebra, algebraic topology.

From January 2018 (on their 60th birthday), there is an important change in the "Cahiers".

  • They maintain their objectives and format in 4 quaterly issues, and they still publish some paper-printed volumes (in particular freely sent to some libraries for archiving).
  • However, the "Cahiers" also become a free Open Access Journal, with no paid subscription, nor Author Publishing Charges. At the beginning of each quarter, the pdf file of the corresponding issue will be freely downloadable from this site in Recent Volumes. This pdf file and the Separated articles will also be downloadable on the new CTGDC site:

Manuscripts submitted for publication should be sent to one of the editors as a pdf file and if possible a Tex-file, with a copy to Andrée Ehresmann ( There is no fee required from Authors.

Directeur de la publication : Andrée C. EHRESMANN, Professeur Emérite, Université de Picardie Jules Verne. Faculté des Science, Mathématiques, LAMFA, 33 rue Saint-Leu, 80039 Amiens, France.

1. Editorial Board

A. C. Ehresmann

Faculté des Sciences, Mathématiques LAMFA, 33 rue Saint-Leu, F-80039 Amiens. France

  M. Gran Université catholique de Louvain, Institut de Recherche en Mathématique et Physique, Chemin du Cyclotron 2, 1348 Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgique

R. Guitart

Université Paris Diderot Paris 7. IMJ-PRG. UMR 7586 Bâtiment Sophie Germain. Case 7012, 75205 Paris Cedex 13, France



  J. Adamek Technical University Braunschweig, Allemagne,
  C. Berger Université de Nice-Sophia Antipolis, France
  Marta Bunge  
  M.M Clementino Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal
  Z. Janelidze Stellenbosch University, Afrique du Sud
  P. Johnstone DPMMS, Centre for Mathematical Sciences, Cambridge, U.K
  A. Kock Matematisk Institut, Aarhus Universitet Aarhus, Denmark
  S. Lack Macquarie University, Australie
  S. Mantovani Universita degli Studi di Milano, Italie
  T. Porter University of Wales, Bangor, UK
  D. Pronk Department of Mathematics & Statistics Dalhousie University Canada
  R. Street Mathematics Department, Macquarie University, Australia
  I. Stubbe Université du Littoral-Côte d'Opale, France
  C. Vasilakopoulou National Technical University of Athens, Greece

2. Open Access

All the volumes of the "Cahiers" are freely downloadable:
= As complete issues on this site from Volumes L on and on
= As separated papers on NUMDAM : Volumes I to VII Volumes VIII to LII

Are also freely downloadable the Supplements, devoted to the works of Charles Ehresmann (1905-1979), who created the Cahiers in 1957, commented by Andrée C.Ehresmann: Charles Ehresmann: Oeuvres complètes et commentées


3. Guide to Authors

To reduce publication delays, papers accepted for the 'Cahiers' are reproduced directly from the files or the photo-ready manuscripts provided by the Authors. So Authors are required to send a .pdf file satisfying the following size and format requirements.

The Cahiers strongly encourage diversity of mathematical subjects and authors. Given their quarterly format of issues of around 120 pages each, only articles of at most around 40 pages (in the format of the Cahiers) will be usually considered for possible publication. However, in order to allow the publication of longer articles containing some important results, one could possibly divide such articles into two somewhat independent shorter parts, that would be published in two successive separate issues. Note that it is also possible to publish articles that are fully understandable in themselves, where some long and technical proofs or appendices are omitted, provided that a reference is given to a more detailed and complete version of it on the arXiv.

Moreover, the papers should not contain colours since the archive paper-copies of the Cahiers are black-printed. '


Left margin 4,1 cm
Width of the page 12,8 cm between the margins
Top margin 6,1 cm before the first line of the text.
Length from the first to the last line 18,5 cm (without heads and page numbers)
Police Times New Roman, 12 points.
Interline 0,49 cm (with larger interlines before and after centered formulas and between Sections)
Section titles in bold face, as well as the words 'Proposition', 'Theorem', 'Definition'..., with the statements of these in italics.
Diagrams and figures drawn very carefully and presented in the text, as they should appear after printing.
References numbered and listed at the end of the paper in the alphabetic order of their authors, and with the standard abbreviations. No hyperlinks
Address of the author(s) at the end of the paper.
Abstract It should begin by an Abstract in French and an abstract in English (from 5 to 15 lines according to the length of the paper), presented with a left margin of 1,5 cm more than the current margin, followed by the key words and the MS Classification. (Foreign authors may ask the editor for a French translation of their abstract.)

A Template_Tex and a Template_pdf can be found here.
For more information, please contact: Mme Ehresmann